Bubba's Music Page

This page contains Real and Flash streaming audio files of bands and performers that I have been associated with in my 35+ years in the biz. You will need at least Real Audio Player 3.0 to listen to these clips.  You'll notice I don't attach the names of any of the people in these bands in the descriptions of these bands. This is to protect the guilty (and because some of them asked me not to)!!

The "One Shot" Band (1992)

The "One Shot" Band was formed in 1992, to do this "one shot" demo of two songs that will eventually be finished and be on the first release on my Tall Oak Records label. The players and singers are friends that I have worked with over the years.

Instrumentation was done by just 3...1 on keyboards...1 on Fender Bass and drums and myself on all guitars and handling production duties and some board engineering.

Live For Tomorrow 56k - First Rough Mix

Live For Tomorrow 96k - First Rough Mix (Broadband)

Live For Tomorrow 56k - Second Rough Mix

Live For Tomorrow 96k - Second Rough Mix (Broadband)
Guitars used: '86 Martin D-35S, '84 Martin M-38, ' 89 Gibson Chet Atkins SST, ESP Strat.
Amp used: None (all guitars were direct into the studio board)

Goin' Home 56k - First Rough Mix
Goin' Home 96k - First Rough Mix (Broadband)
Goin' Home 56k - Second Rough Mix
Goin' Home 96k - Second Rough Mix (Broadband)
Guitars used: '87 Sigma DR-28H, '83 Martin D-28, ESP Strat.
Amp used: None (all guitars were direct into the studio board)

County Mounty (1985)

Foggy Mountain Breakdown
Banjo used: '84 Fender Leo with a Barcus Berry contact banjo pick-up
Guitar used: '83 Martin D-28 with a Barcus Berry Thinline 332 pick-up
Amps used: None (direct into the P.A. sound board)

Does He
Guitar used: '83 Martin D-28
Studio effect used: Eventide Harmonizer

No One But You
Guitar used: '83 Martin D-28
Studio effect used: Eventide Harmonizer

Sweet 'Nothin's
Guitar used: '76 Fender Stratocaster

The DCB Band (late 1984-early 1985)

The first 2 cuts are the only recordings in existence with me singing (background vocals). These recordings were made with a Tascam 4-track Portastudio.

L.A. Freeway
Guitar used: '71 Fender Telecaster
Pedal Steel Guitar used: '7? Sho Bud Pro (and yes I know a string is out of tune!)
Amp used: Lab Series L-6

Honky Tonk Blues
Guitar used: '71 Fender Telecaster
Amp used: Lab Series L-6

Guitar used: '71 Fender Telecaster
Pedal Steel Guitar used: '7? Sho Bud Pro
Amp used: Lab Series L-6

White Lightning (1983-1984)

Guitar used: '71 Fender Telecaster
Amp used: Yamaha G 100-212

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